Gary Palmer tweeted the following:
"Im live on the @rickandbubba show. Tune in now!"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Gary Palmer:
"These athletes shared stories of the struggles their families are experiencing because of Putins brutal invasion and how they were honored to represent Ukraine. I know they are great source of pride to the Ukrainian people and we are happy to host them in Alabama." on July 11Read on Twitter
".@TheWorldGames are in full swing and athletes from all over the world are representing their nations. It was my pleasure to meet with athletes from Ukraine today and express continued support from the United States in the midst of the war in their country." on July 11Read on Twitter
"The Administrative State has been undermining the representatives of the people for far too long. Recent SCOTUS decisions have clawed back some of the power. However, it is up to Congress to solidify this return to Representative Government by reining in these agencies." on July 9Read on Twitter